Pato Box

GenreAction Adventure
LanguageEnglish - Japanese
Media IDPCSE-01268
DeveloperDesarrollo Bromio S.C.
PublisherDesarrollo Bromio S.C.
Publish Date2018-10-02
Dump statusNoNPDRM
Region Duplicates
1638CARDASPato BoxPCSH-101492019-04-19
1683PSNUSPato BoxPCSE-012682018-10-02

Test your reflexes as you fight your way through an evil corporation in a search for retribution.

Uncover their deepest secrets by exploring thrilling 3D environments with a graphic novel/comic book art style.

Find the henchmen who took your dream away in an action-packed and fast-paced fights that will test you to the limit as a true boxing champion!

Will you chicken out or learn how to DUCK?

  • Find the truth on Story Mode, a single player adventure filled with surprises and 3D environments as well as 2D boss fights!
  • Fight your way through Arcade Mode, defeat all the bosses as fast as possible one at a time or all in row with a special boss at the end!
  • Challenging and surreal 2D fights with a comic book art style.
  • Amazing Soundtrack by Controvol that will fill you with adrenaline.
  • Ducks... a lot of ducks!
Screenshots (3)