Meikyuu Cross Blood: Infinity

迷宮クロスブラッド インフィニティ
GenreRole-Playing » General
Media IDPCSG-00179
DeveloperExperience Inc.
Publish Date2013-04-25
Dump statusNoNPDRM
Region Duplicates
0234CARDJPMeikyuu Cross Blood: InfinityPCSG-001792013-04-25

First released as a highly popular PC game, Meikyuu Cross Blood is ported to the Xbox360 in 2011. To ensure that more gamers can appreciate the fun in this game, the developers decided to bring it onto the PS Vita. And this is not a mere port, the developers have included a lot of upgrades to the system.

Play a more challenging mode to obtain the rarest of items. In this mode, instead of allowing 6 people in your team, you can only choose 5. With one person less, your remaining party will have to take care of even more situations. And by utilizing the touch screen controls, you can read the dialogues with a tap, and with the near function, you can communicate your party's status to other players.
