Despite various troubles, the heroine Komori Yui and the Sakamaki family have somehow or another been living their lives without problems.
Day by day, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Shu, Reiji, and Subaru have led their high school lives, but on one certain moonlit night, four vampire brothers appear in front of the Sakamaki mansion. They are the mysterious transfer students who have changed schools to the campus that Ayato and the others attend—
Mukami Ruki, Kou, Yuma, and Azusa... What on earth are their true colors?
The Mukami family, a vampire clan that possesses magical powers which transcend those of the Sakamaki family—for the purpose of revenge against the Sakamaki family, they will...?
Now, a new dispute among vampires concerning Yui has begun.