Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos

クイーンズブレイド SPIRAL CHAOS
PublisherBandai Namco Games
GenreStrategy » Turn-Based
Archive size297 MB
UMD Version 1.00
Extra Info correct dump!
Region Duplicates
2068UMDJPQueens_Blade_Spiral_Chaos_JPN_PSP-CaravanULJS-001902009-12-16864 MBNFO
  Other games in the series

From picture books to fighting game, the sexy ladies from Queen's blade have come a long way. The battles for the Queen's throne showed no signs of stopping.

Pick your favourite girl, defeat all the opposing ladies and claim the throne. And enjoy the fanservice that crops up every minute or so.

New characters come join the fight, besides the whimsical Princess Cute, there are numerous evil sorcerresses and demons, come try out their skills sets and see what damage they can do to the other ladies' outfits.

Screenshots (30)