Zombie Tycoon

PublisherFrima Studios
GenreStrategy ยป Real-Time
SourcePSN minis
Archive size46 MB
UMD Version 1.02
Extra Info correct dump!
Region Duplicates
0060PSNEUZombie_Tycoon_EUR_PSN_PSP-pSyPSPNPEZ-000292009-10-29189 MBNFO
0067PSNUSZombie_Tycoon_USA_PSN_PSP-HRNPUZ-000252009-11-05189 MBNFO
0512PSNEUZombie_Tycoon_v3_EUR_PSN_PSP-ABSTRAKTNPEZ-000292011-04-30190 MBNFO
0561PSNUSZombie_Tycoon_v3_USA_PSN_PSP-ABSTRAKTNPUZ-000252011-07-07190 MBNFO
0842PSNEUZombie_Tycoon_FRENCH_PSN_PSP-PLAYASiANPEZ-001032012-03-15190 MBNFO

For those who avoid the stock market in times of recession, now you can apply your managerial skills to amassing live brains rather than cold, hard cash. In Zombie Tycoon, living dead videogame aficionados will encounter a completely new set of challenges in their role as zombie overlord. You are responsible for the overall strategy of attack and the well-being of your zombie troops as you attempt to spread the undead across the globe. Along with the fast-paced action found in games where players control more self-serving zombies, Frima Studios has added humorous strategies and managerial challenges into the gameplay for a new take on a classic genre.

  • Zombie Tycoon provides you with control over three hilarious zombie squads, with a unique tale of intrigue and betrayal.
  • Over 100 quirky items for your zombie horde
  • 10 challenging and puzzle-filled cities
  • A solid combat system allows you to attack humans AND the places they call home.
Screenshots (8)