WackyLands Boss

PublisherCreat Studios
GenreAction ยป Beat-'Em-Up
SourcePSN minis
Archive size15 MB
UMD Version 1.01
Extra Info correct dump!
Region Duplicates
0397PSNUSWackylands_Boss_USA_PSN_PSP-NRPNPUZ-000422011-02-15127 MBNFO
0415PSNEUWackyLands_Boss_EUR_PSN_PSP-ABSTRAKTNPEZ-001312011-03-28127 MBNFO

What's the best way to keep a monster happy? Total destruction, of course.

  • Explore the Trogon Kingdom as your own customisable monster and show the so-called heroes who's in charge.
  • Crush knights, slay swarms of pesky ninjas and gobble up as many princesses as you can find on your quest to prevent a fairy tale ending.
  • Gain experience points and collect gold to buy upgrades, weapons and accessories for your monster.
Screenshots (12)