A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks!

PublisherFrima Studio
GenreAction ยป Shooter
SourcePSN minis
Archive size47 MB
UMD Version 1.01
Extra Info correct dump!
Region Duplicates
0288PSNUSA_Space_Shooter_for_2_Bucks_USA_PSN_PSP-NRPNPUZ-001902011-01-08189 MBNFO
0320PSNEUA_Space_Shooter_for_2_Bucks_EUR_PSN_PSP-ABSTRAKTNPEZ-003222011-01-11189 MBNFO
0419PSNEUA_Space_Shooter_for_2_Bucks_v2_EUR_PSN_PSP-ABSTRAKTNPEZ-003222011-03-28189 MBNFO
0564PSNUSA_Space_Shooter_for_2_Bucks_v2_USA_PSN_PSP-ABSTRAKTNPUZ-001902011-07-07189 MBNFO

Exterminate pesky aliens and the evil overlords.

  • Play as Commander P. Jefferson and destroy aliens, rake in money and upgrade your ship to take on even more aliens.
  • Battle with ten kinds of spaceship across 16 different levels as you attempt to annihilate five alien generals and steal their unique weapons.
  • Kill hordes of extraterrestrials before taking on X, the Supreme Alien God Emperor. And bring peace to the universe.
Screenshots (12)