HISTORY Egypt Engineering an Empire

PublisherSlitherine Software
GenreStrategy » Turn-Based
SourcePSN minis
Archive size18 MB
UMD Version 1.00
Extra Info correct dump!
Region Duplicates
0265PSNUSHISTORY_Egypt_Engineering_an_Empire_USA_PSN_PSP-NRPNPUZ-000902010-06-30166 MBNFO
0820PSNEUHISTORY_Egypt_Engineering_an_Empire_EUR_PSN_PSP-PLAYASiANPEZ-001442012-03-08167 MBNFO

HISTORY Egypt – Engineering an Empire allows players to build their own empire from the foundation to the height of its power. Acting as the leader of a territory from the Egyptian Empire, players manage all aspects of its rise, from economic growth to political power, the development of armies, and expansion into other regions by methods such as war and diplomacy.

To provide the historical backdrop for gameplay, the game incorporates footage from the “Engineering an Empire” television series. Each episode of the program looks at the history and culture of a great civilization through the prism of its engineering accomplishments.

  • Campaign Map: shows the entire game world, including mountains, forests, coastlines, oceans, rivers, cites, and armies.
  • City Map: gives players an overview of the structure and role of a town within the empire, and provides a basis for economic decisions.
  • Battle Map: to be used when diplomacy has run its course or when a city is being attacked, resulting in turn-based combat.
Screenshots (6)