Age of Zombies

PublisherHalfbrick Studios
GenreAction Adventure
SourcePSN minis
Archive size19 MB
UMD Version 1.01
Extra Info correct dump!
Region Duplicates
0169PSNEUAge_of_Zombies_EUR_PSN_PSP-NRPNPEZ-000442010-02-25135 MBNFO
0172PSNUSAge_of_Zombies_USA_PSN_PSP-NRPNPUZ-000242010-02-26135 MBNFO

In the Age of Zombies, our hero Barry Steakfries employs the use of time portals to stop the evil zombie scheme of Professor Brains. Using a huge pile of weapons and explosives, Steakfries is the real deal for blood-splattering needs. Played as a top-down shooter and offering style and flair through humor, intense action and zombie blasting carnage, Age of Zombies puts Steakfries up against the zombie masses and says, "good luck!"

Screenshots (8)