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  |                  Tales Of Phantasia Full Voice Edition                   |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          |
  |        Region ......: Japan             Language ..: Japanese            |
  |        Release Date : 2006-9-7          Store Date : 2006-9-7            |
  |        System ......: PSP               Filename ..: wrg-top.iso         |
  |        Size ........: 20M x 14          Supplier...: Team WRG            |
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  |                                       _                                  |
  |                 __       _   __      (_)   __       __                   |
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  `-----------)________(---/ \ /__ /__ . //\//  /_/---)________(-------------'
      :                       \                                          :
      |                                                                  |
      |  http://namco-ch.net/talesofphantasia_psp/index.php              |
      |                                                                  |
      |  A PSP version of the 1995 Super Famicom game (the first in the  |
      |  long-running Tales saga). As the title suggests, the PSP version|
      |  includes full voice for its dialog. Bandai Namco has also added |
      |  all the bonus elements that were found in the PlayStation and   |
      |  Game Boy Advance remakes, as well as the ability to load from   |
      |  anywhere on your quest, including towns and dungeons. New to    |
      |  this edition is a Grade Shop system from more recent Tales      |
      |  titles -- once you clear the game and start a new game using the|
      |  clear save data, you're given a "grade" which can be used to    |
      |  purchase various bonuses.                                       |
      |                                                                  |
      |                                                                  |
      |                                        _                         |    
      |                    _   _         __   (_)   __                   |    
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  |              \   \          \                         /   /              |
  |               \___\                                  /___/               |
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  |                   Maybe you can help us! Contact us if:                  |
  |                                                                          |
  |              -you can provide us undumped or unreleased games            |
  |              -you can provide us tools or code trainers/cracks           |
  |                                                                          |
  |           Don't ask where to find our releases, we won't respond.        |
  |                                                                          |
  |                              wrgdump@gmail.com                           |
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