
Download NFO
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|  \__  ____________    A   R   T   /______|   S   A   N   ____________  __/  |
|    / /           /                                       \           \ \    |
|   / /______ __  /      Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX         \  __ ______\ \   |
|  /:            /_                                         _\            :\  |
|.' |             /_________________________________________\             | `.|
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |   sTREET dATE - February 8, 2006       pUBLiSHER - Capcom           |   |
|   |  rELEASE dATE - February 7, 2006           gENRE - Fighting         |   |
|   |        fORMAT - ISO                       sOURCE - UMD (USA)        |   |
|   |       aRCHiVE - a-sfa3mx.001  6*20MB    pLATFORM - PSP              |   |
|   |    wORKS WiTH - Nope!                                               |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX is a port of Street Fighter Alpha 3     |   |
|   |  that contains four additional characters over the original SFA3 -  |   |
|   |  Ingrid from Capcom Fighting Evolution, and Yun, Maki, and Eagle    |   |
|   |  from the GBA port of SFA3, as well as a tag-team variable match    |   |
|   |  similiar to the VS series, and a 3-man team battle similar to the  |   |
|   |  SNK KOF series.                                                    |   |
|   :                                                                     :   |
|_________   _  __ _________________________________________ __  _   _________|
      .   |                                                         |   .
      :   |                                                         |   :
      |   | Yes, it's us, acting like dirty crack whores fiending   |   |
      |   | for a fix.  Yes, we are still on vacation from PSP      |   |
      |   | scene. However, this great title was an early           |   |
      |   | valentines day gift from our sweethearts <3  How can    |   |
      |   | we not spread the love around?  It *is* street fighter  |   |
      |   | afterall, the game that will be held responsible when   |   |
      |   | all of us that grew up playing this series in arcade    |   |
      |   | develop carpal tunnel syndrome later in life( sooner    |   |
      |   | for some).  Granted, you won't be able to play this yet |   |
      |   | but simply the thought of street fighter on your psp    |   |
      |   | should make your fingers twitch                         |   |
      |   |                                                         |   |
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      |_ _ / _ __ ___________________________________________ __ _ \ _ _|
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         /          Roses... chocolates... elephants....             \
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       /_       Caravan - ECHELON - RVF - DMU - MUPS - MODE7          _\