
Download NFO
       _____     _______     ____             ____      _____    ____  _____
 __ __/  __ \_ __\   __ \_ __\   |__    __   /  _/__ __/  __ \_ _\   \|   _/__
| //     __   \\     _/   \\     __/___( /_  \__    \\_   __   \\         \ \ |
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|  \__  ____________    A   R   T   /______|   S   A   N   ____________  __/  |
|    / /           /                                       \           \ \    |
|   / /______ __  /  PQ: Practical Intellegence Quotient    \  __ ______\ \   |
|  /:            /_                                         _\            :\  |
|.' |             /_________________________________________\             | `.|
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |   sTREET dATE - January 11, 2006       pUBLiSHER - D3               |   |
|   |  rELEASE dATE - January 11, 2006           gENRE - Puzzle           |   |
|   |        fORMAT - ISO                       sOURCE - UMD (USA)        |   |
|   |       aRCHiVE - a-pqprac.001  5*20MB    pLATFORM - PSP              |   |
|   |    wORKS WiTH - See Notes                                           |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient is designed to challenge       |   |
|   |  deep-thinking gamers with a series of 100 logic puzzles, for       |   |
|   |  spatially minded PSP gamers (and M.C, Escher fans). Most puzzles   |   |
|   |  are set in a 3D space where player must rearrange boxes to open    |   |
|   |  passageways, build stairs, avoid laser scanners, and clear a path  |   |
|   |  to the exit. Gamers who are close to a wireless access point can   |   |
|   |  use the Internet to check their high scores against those of other |   |
|   |  players from around the world                                      |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   :                                                                     :   |
|_________   _  __ _________________________________________ __  _   _________|
      .   |                                                         |   .
      :   |                                                         |   :
      |   |  Well, here's another game that doesn't work with the   |   |
      |   |  current loaders.  Surprised? You shouldn't be.         |   |
      |   |  Honestly we're surprised that any games have in the    |   |
      |   |  past month.  PSP hacking is virtually nonexistant      |   |
      |   |  these days, where as the NDS awoke a few sleeping      |   |
      |   |  giants and attracted quite a few more.                 |   |
      |   |                                                         |   |
      |   |  Anyway, this will probably be the last ARTiSAN release |   |
      |   |  you'll see for a while.  We have better other avenues  |   |
      |   |  for our time and resources.  Perhaps we will return    |   |
      |   |  if there is a rennaisance in psp hacking but until     |   |
      |   |  then we'll be camping outside of walmart for the ps3.  |   |
      |   |                                                         |   |
      |   |  So we pass the reigns of the psp scene to the fserve   |   |
      |   |  lamers, worn out rip groups and p2p gods.  Enjoy!      |   |
      |   |                                                         |   |
      |   |_                                                       _|   |
      |_ _ / _ __ ___________________________________________ __ _ \ _ _|
          /                                                         \
         /             But we still love you guys <3                 \
        /                                                             \
       /_       Caravan - ECHELON - RVF - DMU - MUPS - MODE7          _\