
Download NFO
       _____     _______     ____             ____      _____    ____  _____
 __ __/  __ \_ __\   __ \_ __\   |__    __   /  _/__ __/  __ \_ _\   \|   _/__
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|  \__  ____________    A   R   T   /______|   S   A   N   ____________  __/  |
|    / /           /                                       \           \ \    |
|   / /______ __  /    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire  \  __ ______\ \   |
|  /:            /_                                         _\            :\  |
|.' |             /_________________________________________\             | `.|
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |   sTREET dATE - November 16, 2005      pUBLiSHER - Electronic Arts  |   |
|   |  rELEASE dATE - November 16, 2005          gENRE - Action/Adventure |   |
|   |        fORMAT - ISO                       sOURCE - UMD (USA)        |   |
|   |       aRCHiVE - a-hpgoff.001 14*20MB    pLATFORM - PSP              |   |
|   |    wORKS WiTH - UMD Emulator 0.8 (direct load)                      |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry is mysteriously      |   |
|   |  selected as the fourth competitor in the dangerous Triwizard       |   |
|   |  Tournament. Each contestant in this international competition must |   |
|   |  confront a fire-breathing dragon, rescue friends from the icy      |   |
|   |  depths of the Black Lake, and navigate the twisting mysteries of   |   |
|   |  a vast, dangerous maze. Players will experience all the thrills of |   |
|   |  the movie - from the Quidditch World Cup campsite to a             |   |
|   |  heart-stopping duel with Lord Voldemort himself! Harry, Ron, and   |   |
|   |  Hermione are all playable characters, modeled after their          |   |
|   |  big-screen counterparts. In this game, an all-new spell-casting    |   |
|   |  system allows players to feel the magic for the first time as the  |   |
|   |  controller shakes and reacts with every flick of the wand. Players |   |
|   |  can also team up with friends in co-operative play to combine their|   |
|   |  magic and produce more powerful spells than ever before!           |   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   :                                                                     :   |
|_________   _  __ _________________________________________ __  _   _________|
      .   |                                                         |   .
      :   |  Well, movie games notoriously suck.  but hey, this     |   :
      |   |  movie looks exceptionaly good, so maybe the game will  |   |
      |   |  be.  thats right, we'll be there opening night. thats  |   |
      |   |  not gay is it?                                         |   |
      |   |_                                                       _|   |
      |_ _ / _ __ ___________________________________________ __ _ \ _ _|
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         /       Psssst, hey guys, snape killed dumbledore!!!        \
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       /_       Caravan - ECHELON - RVF - DMU - MUPS - MODE7          _\