
Download NFO
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( (_____)                                                             (_____) )
 \_____      |                                                   |      _____/
  __\   __ : |     Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam (c) Virtual Toys      | : __   /__
  \ \\  \_\. |                                                   | ./_/  // /
 __)_\\______|                                                   |______//_(__
             | Date......: 2015/04       Packager..: You know    |
             | Region....: ASIA          Dumper....: You know    |   O
             | Platform..: PSP           Supplier..: You know    |
        o    |                                                   |  .
             | Source....: PSN           Format....: ISO         |
   .     .   | File Name.: tca-yycj      size......: 01x20       | .    o
             | Serial....: NPHZ-00016                            |
       O     |                                                   |    o
             | Description:                                      |
             |                                                   |
       .  o  | Have you ever asked yourself what it would feel   |  O 
     o       | like to be among the stoves of the best           |
             | restaurants in the world? Do you want to become   | .
   .         | the best chef there is, preparing scrumptious     |    o
             | dishes?                                           |
         o   |                                                   |
             | Jump right in and enter the world of Yummy Yummy  |  o
     .       | and its mixture of flavours and aromas.           |
             |                                                   |    .
         .   | In Yummy Yummy, you'll become the best of cooks   |
             | in an entertaining game where you have to satisfy |      o
      O      |                                                   |
             | the hunger of the most diverse,colourful set of   |  .
             | hungry diners: Vampires, extraterrestrials,mafia  |
             | thugs,Vikings, and so forth. Prepare hot dogs,    |
             | hamburgers, pizzas and Mexican burritos as        |
       .  o  | quickly as you can before your customers get      |  O 
     o       | tired of waiting and decide to leave the          |
             | restaurant without giving you a good tip.         |  .
   .         |                                                   |    o
             | Roll up your sleeves, clap your chef's hat on     |
         o   | and have a great time being the best of cooks..   |
             |                                                   |  o
     .       |                                                   |
             | Languages: en,de,es,fr,it,nl,jp                   |    .
         .   |                                                   |
             | Direct PKG Link:
               - http://zeus.dl.playstation.net/cdn/HP4080/NPHZ00016_00/Befg7ERXQSsDp3v3VJeMlAsQ2C7Qkme7IrrwlcagD0qUuM9dXhRDBoR6eH4MyEoQB5TsAcrA9ObO77fy8lAr0t7P2L2exK2XWL4xL.pkg
      O      |                                                   |
             |                                                   |  .
             |                                                   |
     '      /           Greating goes to our friends in           \       ,
      ) () (           ---------------------------------           ) ()  ( 
     (      \    We know who our friends are so no need to put    /      )
   __/\  ____)   that info in here for everyone to see..         (____  /\__
  /_/\/  \__                                                       __/  \/\_\ 
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