
Download oblivion.dt.nfo
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              Release:            The.Elder.Scrolls.IV.Oblivion.USA.JB.PS3-dumpTruck
              Group:              dumpTruck
              Game Title:         The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
              # Files:            48x100mb
              ESRB Rating:        Mature
              Region:             USA
              Release Date:       03/20/2007
              Pre Date:           10/27/2010
              Source:             Retail Disc
              Notes:              Tested working on 40gb PS3 PHAT 3.4.1 using blackcat AT90USB162 with Gaia 1.02
              Desc:               Each character is in complete control of their own destiny in this single-player
                                  fantasy RPG, which features groundbreaking levels of non-player AI. The throne
                                  of Tamriel sits empty, the province's ruler the victim of an unknown assassin.
                                  The gates to Oblivion have flown open. Demons are pouring through the gates,
                                  threatening to destroy all of Tamriel. It's your job to find the hidden royal heir
                                  who can restore order. 