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              Release:            Iron.Man.2.USA.JB.PS3-dumpTruck
              Group:              dumpTruck
              Game Title:         Iron Man 2
              # Files:            55x100mb
              ESRB Rating:        Teen
              Region:             USA
              Release Date:       05/04/2010
              Source:             Retail Disc
              Desc:               Step into the armored suit and become one of the most-fabled Marvel Comics
                                  characters in this game inspired by the second Iron Man movie. Iron Man 2
                                  may not give you a taste of Tony Stark's billionaire lifestyle, but it more
                                  than makes up for it by overdosing on Iron Man action. Amped up gameplay
                                  delivers a more explosive experience for this sequel, with new environments
                                  to blow apart, new enemies to fight against, and new ways to take them down.