
Download ftpserver_12.nfo
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|  | __ \|  | \__  \ _/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \/  /_\  \\  \/  / |
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|  |___  /____(____  /\___  >__|_ \|___  /\_____  /__/\_ \ |
|      \/          \/     \/     \/    \/       \/      \/ |

FTP Server 1.2

A threaded, multi-connection FTP server for the Playstation 3.


> Fixed auto-exiting when using the PS3 Remote Control instead
 of a gampad.
> Removed leading "/" from roots
> fixed multiple transfer connection issues for filezilla.
  More then 1 transfer connection at a time should work.
> Fixed misreported file size for files over 4gb.

+ Added new mount points: /dev_ms, /dev_sd, /dev_cf,
 /dev_ps2disc, /devps2disc1
+ Added IP address display for ease of use
+ Added screensaver to darken screen after 1m, reawaken
 with joysticks
> Fixed bug in relative paths for RNFR_Command (renaming bug)
> Fixed (..) parser to allow filenames with (.)
> Fixed CDUP from root directory bug.

Initial release


- Install the package to PS3
- Open up FTP Client of your choice and connect using your
 PS3's IP and port 21 while leaving username and password
- Enjoy.

Tested with FileZilla, FlashFXp, CuteFTP, and WinSCP

"The age of miracles is past."

10/2/10 - FTP Server 1.2
9/25/10 - FTP Server 1.1b
9/23/10 - FTP Server 1.0b
9/12/10 - LV2Dump 0.7a
