
Download pwr-dai.nfo
                              _ __ ___/ \___ __ _
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                - -- ---\\-* PoWeRUp hiTS yA wiTH *-//--- -- -
         .______________/     _ __ ___   ___ __ _    \_____________.
         |::'                         \_/                       '::|
 _  __ __|'                                                       '|__ __  _
  \_\ \\:|             Dragon Age Inquisition - [DUMPED]           |:// /_/
       \\|                                                         |//
        :\_                                                       _/:
        :|       .::::.           .::::. :::::::::::::::::::.      |:
        :|       :::::::.       .::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |:
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |:
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |:
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |:
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |:
   ______|_____  ______________________   ________________ ________|_
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        .|       :::::::::     ::::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |.
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |:
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::: ::::::::    ::::::::      |:
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::'      |:
        :|       :::::::::     ::::::::' ::::::::                  |:
        :|        ':::::::     :::::::'  ::::::::                  |:
        :|          ':::::     :::::'    ::::::'                   |:
        :|            ':::::::::::'      :::::'                    |:
        :|                               ::::'                     |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|         - --==<<<< dESCRiPTiON'n'sHiT >>>>==-- -        |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|    RlZ NaME:...Dragon.Age.Inquisition.EUR.PS3-PoWeRUp   |:
        :|    RlZ DaTE:.............................. 25.11.2014   |:
        :|    St. DaTE:...............................21.11.2014   |:
        :|    DeV:......................................Bethesda   |:
        :|    GENrE:.........................................RPG   |:
        :|    ORiGiN:........................................EUR   |:
		:|    Languages.....................de,en,es,fr,it,pl,ru   |:
        :|    TiTLE ID:...............................BLES-01657   |:
        :|    FiLE NaME:.............................pwr-dai.rxx   |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|    BTC Adr.:.......1MPFUF4UtMj929fgwW6qnhYoFdfRJyGy1m   |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|         - --==<<<<  GrP'n'ScEnE NEwZ  >>>>==-- -        |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|    Well here we are again !!! PoWeRUp with another      |:
        :|    release . This time for PS3 . We are now Releasing   |:
		:|    on Three Platforms , WIIU/3DS & PS3 . Who knows we   |:
		:|    might join the action on other's too :D              |:
		:|    Xbone is very tempting , I wonder how long it takes  |:
		:|    for Release of some MAGIC!!!!!!!  ;)                 |:
		:|            Bitcoin donations are appreciated. =)        |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|    Please support the developers and buy the fucking    |:
        :|    game... We did.                                      |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|    We are currently looking for skilled individuals     |:
        :|    interested in making cracktros/demos for our 3DS     |:
        :|    releases like 0ldSk00l times.                        |:
        :|    If you're interested, drop us a line...              |:
        :|    You know where to find us. ;)                        |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|         - --==<<<<  GrEEtS'n'CoNtaCT  >>>>==-- -        |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|    Best regards to friends from VENOM, ABSTRAKT, FAKE   |:
        :|    and all the true scener's that are left ... RESPECT  |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|                                                         |:
        :|    Tor chat: 3wku7ec3ik43cehg                           |:
       .:|                                                         |:.
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