
Download protocol.nfo
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         .                 -+- proudly presents -+-                .         |
  |______________   __   _                          _   __   ________________|
               Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows PSN
  |___________________ ____________ ____  _  _ _________ ___________  _______|
  +------------ --------------------------------------------- ---------------+
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     REL Date ...... : April 2014             Platform  ..... : PS3
  :  Game Type ..... : Action                 Origin ........ : PSN  
  .  Release Type .. :                        Image Format .. : 
  .                                                                          :
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  +------------ ------- --------------- --------------------- ----------- ---+
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  +> proto@col:~$ /release/.info <------------------------------------+
   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows takes you back to how it
   all began. Be the four turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and
   Raphael in the fight to save New York City from mutants, the Foot and
   Shredder. With seamless drop-in, drop-out co-op, along with team combo
   moves and relentless combat, this is the game fans have been waiting for.	
  ._________ ______     ____ _ __ _____  _     _ _ __ _ _____ _______________:
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  +> proto@col:~$ /release/.url <-------------------------------------+

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  +> proto@col:~$ /group/.notes <-------------------------------------+
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  +> proto@col:~$ /sbin/shutdown -h now <-----------------------------+ 040305