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                       P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S                    .

                    - > Need for Speed Rivals Multi 6 < -
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 | DATE......:  11/13                     GENRE.......: Action 
 | SOURCE....:  Euro                      PLATFORM....: PS3 
 | SiZE......:  8gb                       REGiON......: Free
 | FORMAT....:  eboot                     LANGUAGES...: En,Fr,De,It,Es,Ru
 Need for Speed Rivals captures the adrenaline and intensity of the street's 
 ultimate rivalry between cops and racers in a stunning open road environment. 
 Built on the Frostbite 3 game engine, Need for Speed Rivals allows gamers 
 play as either a cop or racer, where each side of the law has its own set 
 of high stakes challenges, rewards and consequences. 
_ __________________________________________________________________________|_.
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     DUPLEX version was missing German and Russian language - enjoy
 | U N L i M i T E D 2013    ----------------------->    N O  L i M i T S   |