
Download nrp-lbp2sparr.nfo
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     +------------------------------+ We Say Hello To The World +-+
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   |   LittleBigPlanet 2 Special Edition                            |
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   |   NoRePack Presents. It's NoT a P2P repack shit!               |
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   |   FiLENaME ------ nrp-lbp2sparr                                |
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   |   PlaTForM ------ PlayStation 3 (JB)                           |
   |                                                                |
   |    Region  ------ ASiA                                         |
   |                                                                |
   |   Language ------ CHT/ENG at least                             |
   |                                                                |
   |   Supplier ------ Team NoRePack                                |
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   |   rlz.Date ------ 2o12-o3-13                                   |
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   |     SHoP   ------ 2o11-11-15                                   |
   |                                                                |
   |    Serial  ------ BCAS20201                                    |
   |                                                                |
   |   rlz.SizE ------ 84 * 2oo MB                                  |
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   |   The files of our previous rlz are encrypted cuz a strange    |
   |   problem we met when dumping. We only had this problem with   |
   |   FF13-2(ASiA) & this game. We dumped those 2 games on a TB    |
   |   CFW PS3 console by Multiman with the same way which we       |
   |   dumped other games before. But we got encrypted files the    | 
   |   1st time, we thought it's TB's fault, then we redumped those |
   |   2 games on a 3.55K CFW console, FF13-2 is fine that time,    |
   |   but this game still got encrypted files :x                   |
   |                                                                |
   |   Now we bought another disc of this game and redumped out     |
   |   correct files on a same TB console o_O                       |
   |                                                                |
   |   And we noticed Order.Up.PS3-dumpTruck has the same problem   |
   |   (Just check the Eboot.bin file), that's so strange! 2 grps   |
   |   met the same problem, wired. Hope someone knows why and mail |
   |   us, thx!                                                     |
   |                                                                |
   |   Anyway, enjoy this good dump!                                |
   |                                                                |
   |   Love & Peace! Enjoy!:)                                       |
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   |   iF u LOvE or HATe THiS GAmE, BuY iT ;]   ___       __        |
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   +-+ | .` |   /  _/  / _` / _` | +--------------------------------+
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   |   Stop the with lame p2p repacks!                              |
   |   Spend your money for piracy and NOT for bitches!             |
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   |   We are looking for 100 Mbits+ site!                          |
   |   Want to be a NRP supplier? Contact us...                     |
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   |   <3 WRG, BAHAMUT, SirVG, iND, Caravan, TRashMan, OneUp <3     |
   |                    ___            _____                        |
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   +----------------+ | (_ | '_/ -_) -_)| |(_-< +-------------------+
                       \___|_| \___\___||_|/__/         NoRePack 2o1o