Download bp-sgw.nfo
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   [Release..]: Sniper.Ghost.Warrior.READNFO.TB.PS3-BLUEPRINT

   [Rars.....]: 89 x 50MB               
   [File.Name]: bp-sgw.*                

   [Size.....]: 4.12GB

   [Dongle...]: Required
   [Date.....]: 2012/01/18

   Now Before you shout dupe! from the roof tops, let us explain the
   situation. This is one of a series of 9 Titles Released by the TB
   Team which were only available for sale on disc, we have correctly
   repackaged this along with the other 8 titles they sold to be burnt
   with Blu-Ray Media, now obviously they are sized for DVD in some 
   cases here, however we have not tested this media, so we cannot
   confirm or deny DVD media functioning correctly. Single / Double
   Layer BD Media will work fine. 

   Now secondly, you might ask why wasnt a patch just released for the
   releases that are already produced. The answer is the disc security 
   expects the contents to be on Disc and read via the Blu-Ray Drive
   in the PS3 Console, this isnt avoidable, and if it was you would
   be capable of re-writing there eboot patches which clearly no one is.
   In any event, your now able to enjoy those 9 Titles which previously
   were only available if you purchased them on special Blu-ray discs.

   Lastly, we want to be petty and say the recent post on ps3crunch
   which claims to explain a proper way to dump these discs, is 100%
   incorrect, and if you read it your time has been wasted. they know
   nothing about this process, and they simply shouldn't make baseless
   accusations to the contrary.