Download b3-dsjbps3fix.nfo
      __________  ___ ______   ______ _____ ______
    _/ __  \   /__\  \      \_/ __   \  __ \_____ \
   /  /__\_/\        /\__   _/ /__\ _/\_  \/____  /
  /   ___  \/  ___  \   /   /  ____/___/  \___/  /
 /_________/___\ /___\  \__/__/   /______/______/


Country......: Europe         Languages....: English
Release Date.: 2010/09/19     Store date...: 2010/01/08
Filename.....: b3-dsjbps3.*** Format.......: JailBreak files
Size.........: 25 * 200 MB

──────────────────[RELEASE NOTES]──────────────────────

Darksiders_EUR_JB_PS3-BHTPS3 is actually another game,
Dark Void. Sorry for the mess... We packaged the other
game, we prepared, by the mistake.

────────────────[POSITIONS OFFERED]────────────────────

Interested in joining one of the most active console
groups? We are looking for talented and motivated new
members to help us. We're seeking following people:

- who can supply PSP/Wii/PS2/X360/NDS/PS3/iPhone/PC
  games steadily before the street date. 

- who is talented/interested in cracking console (PS3/

- secure 100mbits+ sites

         mail: team.bahamut@hushmail.com

The tinyest in the biggest                  BHTPS3 2k10