Download pdx-rage.nfo
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  :             A m i g a  *  P S X  /    \  P S 2  *  XBOX   *  P S 3 :)    :  
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  |       P    *    A    *    R    *    A    *    D    *    O    *    X      |  
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   | \__\\\ \      . R E L E A S E   I N F O R M A T I O N .       / ///__/ |  
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   |                  >  Rage (c) Bethesda Softworks  <                     |  
   |                                                                        |  
   |      cOMPANY  : Bethesda         | rELEASE DATE : 16 Nov 2011          |  
   |      sYSTEM   : PS3              | sIZE         : 75 x 250mb           |  
   |      tYPE     : Action           | rEGION       : USA                  |  
   |      sUPPLIER : Paradude         | cRACKER      : Paradude             |  
   |      mEDIA    : BD               | pLAYABLE     : with True Blue Dongle|  
  | ___ _                                                              _ ___ | 
  | \__\\\ \            . R E L E A S E   N O T E S .               / ///__/ | 
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  |        After waiting so long ..  PARADOX is back once again!             |
  |  This time we give you the chance to play a great game you were waiting  |
  |  for so long .. as everybody else failed to release a working version    |
  |            we decided to give you redemption! Enjoy..                    |
  |                                                                          |
  |             RAGE is a groundbreaking first-person shooter                |
  | set in the not-too-distant future after the asteroid Apophis             |
  | impacts Earth. In an effort to save civilization, "Arks" are             |
  |  constructed and buried deep underground. These cryogenic lifeboats      |
  | carry humanity's future, preserved with the tools they need to rebuild.  |
  | But when survivors begin to emerge, they find the unexpected.            |
  |   Many humans who were above ground during the impact unexpectedly       |
  |   survived, while horrific mutants roam the dead cities.                 |
  |  And a mysterious tyrannical government, bent on creating                |
  |      a new world order, has begun the search . . . for you.              |
  |                                                                          |
  |      Website:                                                            |
  |      http://www.rage.com/us/about-rage                                   |
  |                                                                          |
  |      sPECIAL nOTE:                                                       |
  |      This Game runs with True Blue dongle                                |
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  |      - - - - - - - - - - - -  ALWAYS REMEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |
  |                   LEGENDS MAY SLEEP, BUT THEY NEVER DIE!!                |
  |      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   |
  |                         HERE TO INNOVATE NOT IMITATE                     |
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   | \__\\\ \              . R E C R U I T M E N T .               / ///__/ |  
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   |     Do you want to become part of the world famous console group?      |  
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   |     We are currently looking for talented people to join our ranks!    |  
   |     If you can help in any of the following areas dont hesitate to     |  
   |     contact us.                                                        |  
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   |     We are looking for suppliers of:                                   |  
   |     --------------------------------                                   |  
   |     - Sony Playstation 3 Games                                         |  
   |     - Microsoft XBox360 Games                                          |  
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  | ___ _                                                              _ ___ |  
  | \__\\\ \               . H A N D S H A K E S .                  / ///__/ |  
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  |    to all real oldschool sceners still rocking the house - keep it on!   |  
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