
Download pema-orh.nfo
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 ┌───────┐|___|  |_______|__|_|__|___|___|┌────────┐
 │       └───      P R E S E N T S     ───┘        │
 │              Overlord: Raising Hell             │
 │                                                 │
 │            cOMPANY   :     CODEMASTERS          │
 │            pLATFORM  :     PS3                  │
 │            fILES     :     81 x 50 MB           │
 │            sOURCE    :     BluRay               │
 │            gENRE     :     Adventure            │
 │            rEL. dATE :     o1-o1-2o11           │
 │            lANGUAGES :     ENGLISH, FRENCH      │
 │                            GERMAN, ITALIAN      │
 │                            SPANISH              │
 │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
 ├─┘                                             └─┤
 │                                                 │
 │ Taking control of a mysterious figure that has  │
 │ inherited the legacy of the long-dead evil      │
 │ Overlord, the player emerges near death from 
 │ the ruins of the old Overlord's Dark Tower.     │
 │ Only the player's actions will determine if 
 │ they will rise to become the new all-powerful   │
 │ Overlord; it's all up to how bad they want to   │
 │ be in order to succeed ... evil or really evil!
 │ With a dark sense of humor, the game immerses 
 │ players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy  │
 │ stories and characters. In a unique twist,      │
 │ players will have control over an army of an    │
 │ army of Minions that will use their unique 
 │ skills to fetch, fight and die for their new 
 │ Overlord. Throughout the game players will
 │ actively control a horde of these gremlin-like 
 │ creatures that will follow every bidding no     │
 │ matter how whimsical or life threatening it     │
 │ may be.                                         │
 │ The PlayStation 3 Raising Hell edition of       │
 │ Overlord enhances the original with a heaping
 │ helping of content that includes all of the     │
 │ downloadable content released to date.          │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
                    I N F O                        │
 │ The game was ripped using a Teensy 2.0++ board  │
   with Hermes payload V4.                         │
   Backup was made with Open Manager               │
 │                                                 │
 │         I N S T A L L   N O T E S               │
 │ Unrar files and copy gamedir dir to             │
 │ external harddrive or use some PS3 FTP server.  │
 │ Files must be placed in the GAMEZ folder.       │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │             PEMA IS LOOKING FOR:                │
 │            200 Mbit+ Affil sites                │
 │                                                 │
 │         Reach us at pema [a] hush.ai            │
 │                                            ┌────┘