
Download pema-lotrc.nfo
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 ┌───────┐|___|  |_______|__|_|__|___|___|┌────────┐
 │       └───      P R E S E N T S     ───┘        │
 │         The Lord of the Rings: Conquest         │
 │                                                 │
 │            cOMPANY   :     Electronic Arts      │
 │            pLATFORM  :     PS3                  │
 │            fILES     :     69 x 150 MB          │
 │            sOURCE    :     BluRay               │
 │            gENRE     :     Action               │
 │            rEL. dATE :     13-12-2o1o           │
 │            lANGUAGES :     Multi                │
 │                                                 │
 │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
 ├─┘                                             └─┤
 │                                                 │
 │ The Lord of the Rings: Conquest puts players    │
 │ into the thick of the tremendous battle over 
 │ The One Ring, playing out battles from both     │
 │ sides of the confrontation! Conquest will let 
 │ players take control of many of the characters  │
 │ and creatures from the series and pit them on   │
 │ any of the franchise's famous battlefields. 
 │ From Cave-trolls to Oliphaunts to the Balrog 
 │ and even Sauron, practically the entire         │
 │ universe will be available for battle with      │
 │ up to 150 characters on-screen at any one time. │
 │ Up to 16 players will be able to clash online, 
 │ with four players able to play cooperatively 
 │ through the main campaign either online or 
 │ via four-player split-screen. And with two      │
 │ distinct campaigns to play through, including   │
 │ an original take on what would happen if        │
 │ Sauron regained control of the One Ring,        │
 │ the game promises plenty of scenarios to wage   │
 │ battle through.                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
                    I N F O                        │
 │ The game was ripped using a Teensy 2.0++ board  │
   with Hermes payload V4.                         │
   Backup was made with Open Manager               │
 │                                                 │
 │         I N S T A L L   N O T E S               │
 │ Unrar files and copy gamedir dir to             │
 │ external harddrive or use some PS3 FTP server.  │
 │ Files must be placed in the GAMEZ folder.       │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │                                                 │
 │             PEMA IS LOOKING FOR:                │
 │            200 Mbit+ Affil sites                │
 │                                                 │
 │         Reach us at pema [a] hush.ai            │
 │                                            ┌────┘