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                       P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S                    .

                           - > Guitar Hero Live < -
 |                                                                          |
 | DATE......:  11/15                     GENRE.......: Music 
 | SOURCE....:  Euro                      PLATFORM....: PS3 
 | SiZE......:  22gb                      REGiON......: Euro
 | FORMAT....:  files                     LANGUAGES...: Eng,Ger,Fre,Ita,Spa
  The defeat of Diablo, Lord of Terror, should have given rise to an age of 
  hope. Instead, it has drawn out a shadowy being of immense power whose 
  malevolent purpose has yet to be revealed. Reaper of Souls, the upcoming 
  expansion to Blizzard Entertainment's epic action RPG Diablor III, opens 
  a dark and terrifying new chapter in the ongoing conflict over the mortal 
  realm of Sanctuary. 
  Note: FW 4.75 needed + game has a bigfile (run from internal hdd) !
_ __________________________________________________________________________|_.
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                     Enjoy this with your GH Live Guitar
 | U N L i M i T E D 2015    ----------------------->    N O  L i M i T S   |