Attack on Titan 2: Future Coordinates is the sequel to Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains, released for the Nintendo 3DS in 2017. It is based Attack on Titan franchise, incorporating content from the show's second season.
The game is played in two main modes. The Story Mode reenacts the plot of the show while World Mode has the player create their own original character to fight the titans.
The main story retells the story of Attack on Titan season 2 across 3 chapters. These are the "Future Coordinates Chapter", the "Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt Chapter” and the “Ymir and Christa Chapter.” The plot of the first game is told in a digest scenario as a recap with the "Reiner and Annie Chapter" acting as an alternate take on the plot from side characters. Additionally, there are two side chapters accessible from having save data from the last game. These are "Ilse's Notebook Chapter" and "A Choice with No Regrets".