Download protocol.nfo
     ___________/\___/\ ____\_____    ______|_______/\________.___/\
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     .)     /   /  /    > __.   /      | .__  \   _____\   .__  \    \
    //    \____/      _/  :/   /      .|  \:   \    \___\   \:   \    \__/\\
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  //      /_____/     /_______\\      ||_________| _______|_____shr!x_______\\
 <:______|=====/______\ =======\\______|=========|/=======:========|/========:>
  |      :                             :         :        .        :         |
         .                 -+- proudly presents -+-                .         |
  |______________   __   _                          _   __   ________________|
                                  WWE 2K17
  |___________________ ____________ ____  _  _ _________ ___________  _______|
  +------------ --------------------------------------------- ---------------+
  |                                                                          |
     REL Date ...... : 10/2016                Platform  ..... : PS3
  :  Game Type ..... : Sports                 Origin ........ :   
  .  Release Type .. : Full                   Image Format .. : FULL
  .                                                                          :
  ._______ _______  ___  _          _   _         _____ _ _______  __________:
  +------------ ------- --------------- --------------------- ----------- ---+
  |                                                                   +------+
  +> proto@col:~$ /release/.info <------------------------------------+
	WWE 2K17 arrives as the reigning and defending flagship WWE video 
	game franchise champion with stunning graphics, ultra-authentic 
	gameplay and a massive roster of WWE and NXTТs popular Superstars 
	and Legends.
  ._________ ______     ____ _ __ _____  _     _ _ __ _ _____ _______________:
  +------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- -------------- ----+
  |                                                                   +------+
  +> proto@col:~$ /release/.url <-------------------------------------+

  ._________ ______     ____ _ __ _____  _     _ _ __ _ _____ _______________:
  +------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- -------------- ----+
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  +> proto@col:~$ /group/.notes <-------------------------------------+
     We aren't done yet, Enjoy!                                            
  ._______ _______     _ ___ _ __ _____  _   _  ___ ____ ____ ______ ________:
  +----------- ---- ----------- ---- ------ - ---- -- ------------- ---------+
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  +> proto@col:~$ /sbin/shutdown -h now <-----------------------------+ 040305