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                       P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S                    .

                          - > FIFA 15 MULTi 11 < -
 |                                                                          |
 | DATE......:  09/14                     GENRE.......: Sports 
 | SOURCE....:  Euro                      PLATFORM....: PS3 
 | SiZE......:  10gb                      REGiON......: Euro
 | FORMAT....:  files                     LANGUAGES...: see below
  FIFA 15 brings football to life in stunning detail so fans can experience 
  the emotion of the sport like never before. Witness the intensity of crowds 
  chanting and cheering like on match day, and listen to commentators guide 
  fans through the story of the game with Dynamic Match Presentation.
_ __________________________________________________________________________|_.
 |                                                                          |
           Languages: Eng,Ger,Fre,Ita,Spa,Pol,Por,Rus,NL,Hun,Cz
 | U N L i M i T E D 2014    ----------------------->    N O  L i M i T S   |