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  |                 - P R O U D L Y      P R E S E N T S -                  |
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  |       Title : Etrian Odyssey Nexus                                      |
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  |   Publisher : Atlus                           Platform : Nintendo 3DS   |
  |   Developer : Atlus                             Origin : USA            |
  |       Genre : RPG                               Serial : CTR-P-BZME     |
  |        Date : February 2019                       Size : 8 Gbit         |
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  |     Summary                                                             |
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  |   A royal decree from Princess Persephone has prompted the gathering    |
  |   of the realm's greatest explorers to the floating city of Maginia.    |
  |   Their goal - uncovering the mysteries of the archipelago of           |
  |   Lemuria, home to a great Yggdrasil Tree.  Recruit explorers from      |
  |   19 classes spanning the entire Etrian series, including the brand     |
  |   new "Hero" class, before setting out to Lemuria in search of          |
  |   treasure and glory!                                                   |
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  |   The longtime trio of Yuji Himukai (Character Designer), Shin          |
  |   Nagasawa (Monster Designer), and Yuzo Koshiro (Composer) return to    |
  |   bring life to Etrian Odyssey Nexus's world.  With iconic              |
  |   representatives and locations from past Etrian games, over a          |
  |   hundred story-rich quests, variable difficulty settings, the          |
  |   return of accessibility features like auto-mapping (optional!),       |
  |   and much more, Etrian Odyssey Nexus is the definitive Etrian          |
  |   experience for both longtime fans and series newcomers.               |
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  |      Greets                                                             |
  |   -------------------------------------------------------------------   |
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  |   Abstrakt - Capital - Caravan - Dual Crew Shining - Eurasia - Legacy   |
  |      Lightforce - Menace - Mode 7 - Nightfall - Oldskool - Paradox      |
  |        Quartex - Quasar - Rising Sun - Squire - Triforce - Venom        |
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